Thursday, October 21, 2010
What's up, guys! Hope your Oktoberfest (yes, I spelled it zee German way) is going zestfully well. While you are all contemplating your Halloween costumes, I'm happy to announce that my work of Marie Luciano has been published in the 10th Anniversary Issue of Performance Sound & Auto Magazine! Special thanks to Randi Bentia over at PASMAG for his interest in wanting to use it on such a special occasion for their company. In other news, keep a sharp eye out for an announcement regarding the released update of my Facebook Photography page...I've been hard at work with my web master in doing a major overhaul to the site to give all of you more of an interactive experience on what the "Russell Perkins photography experience" is all about! At the current rate of implementation, the update could be completed in just a couple of weeks (crossing fingers and toes). I'll be sure to let you guys know when it's up and running in all of it's glory, but until then, enjoy my shot of Marie in PASMAG below:
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