Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Russell Perkins Online Store is LIVE!
I'm pleased to introduce the Russell Perkins Online Store! I know it has been a long time coming, but I finally sat down to put it together and after weeks of setting it up, it went LIVE last week. Special thanks go out to Patrick Lee and Joe Sanders for helping this dream become a reality! To celebrate, I am offering a 30% discount on ALL PRINTS in the store for the first 30 days. This offer ends on January 11, 2011. If you find a print that you're interested in, use the promo discount code photogoodness when you checkout to apply the 30% off discount. I figure if you're going to do anything - do it BIG, right? And speaking of BIG, the print sizes I am offering are 24x36 and 48x72. Why no small prints, you ask? I am a strong proponent of the cinematic experience. If I love something, I LOVE something and want to be able to enjoy every aspect of it. The core foundation of the store is to provide conversation-starting, limited edition, museum quality archival prints that make an impact. I will be updating the collections on a periodic basis with new additions and have provided a mailing list at the bottom of the home page for anyone who would like to receive news about this as well as any future sales and special offers. Just enter your email address and click 'Subscribe'. I've done my best to offer a plethora of various work I've done over the years so there's something for everyone. If you don't see a particular print available for purchase in the store, feel free to email me and I'll see what I can do: russ@russellperkins.com
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