The Russell Perkins Online Store is LIVE!
Limited Edition, Museum Quality Prints are NOW AVAILALBE...

Thursday, February 14, 2013
The Walking Dead Main Titles Project
I *finally* got around to seeing what all the fuss has been about the show, "The Walking Dead" and after being glued to Netflix catching up on the previous 2 seasons, I have joined the hordes of fans. One of the things I like about the show are the main titles created by Prologue Films for seasons 1, 2, and Yu+co for season 3. What's super cool about the approach to the intros, are the sense of paranoia, loneliness, foreshadow, and dread the visuals infuse while simultaneously dropping subtle hints as to what each character is known for by using a particular object that represents them. I'm a huge fan of Kyle Cooper's work as his ideas never fail to impress.
Since I have some free time, I thought it'd be fun to create my own version of TWD main titles! My homage to the intro will take place somewhere between Season 2 & 3 - that way I can draw upon symbolic imagery we've seen from the show when it comes to some of the main character credits. I've created a laundry list of items that I need to collect:
- Katana
- Sheriff hat
- Axe
- Rotary Phone
- Bloodied Gauze
- Crossbow
- Handgun
- Pregnancy Test
The katana seems to be the hardest thing to find since the one used on the show is a white ceremonial style katana...I'll post updates as the project progresses!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Russell Perkins Online Store is LIVE!
I'm pleased to introduce the Russell Perkins Online Store! I know it has been a long time coming, but I finally sat down to put it together and after weeks of setting it up, it went LIVE last week. Special thanks go out to Patrick Lee and Joe Sanders for helping this dream become a reality! To celebrate, I am offering a 30% discount on ALL PRINTS in the store for the first 30 days. This offer ends on January 11, 2011. If you find a print that you're interested in, use the promo discount code photogoodness when you checkout to apply the 30% off discount. I figure if you're going to do anything - do it BIG, right? And speaking of BIG, the print sizes I am offering are 24x36 and 48x72. Why no small prints, you ask? I am a strong proponent of the cinematic experience. If I love something, I LOVE something and want to be able to enjoy every aspect of it. The core foundation of the store is to provide conversation-starting, limited edition, museum quality archival prints that make an impact. I will be updating the collections on a periodic basis with new additions and have provided a mailing list at the bottom of the home page for anyone who would like to receive news about this as well as any future sales and special offers. Just enter your email address and click 'Subscribe'. I've done my best to offer a plethora of various work I've done over the years so there's something for everyone. If you don't see a particular print available for purchase in the store, feel free to email me and I'll see what I can do: russ@russellperkins.com
Sunday, October 31, 2010
My Facebook Photography page gets a Facelift...and then some.
Hey guys,
Happy Halloween! This year, I noticed that there were quite a few preemptive Halloween parties going on - some of which were a week early! I also saw kids trick or treating at Starbucks during the daytime....take your pick as to which part of that sentence doesn't seem....well....uhh...traditional.
While no ghoulish fun this year is particularly exciting to me, I AM excited to share with all of you that my Facebook Photography page has been updated with a massive overhaul! Essentially, I wanted to tie all of the various aspects of my Photography together into a cohesive presentation for everyone who loves the art of Photography, is interested in booking me for a future gig, or is interested in getting to know a bit more about me. What is new you ask? Allow me to explain...
For newcomers, there is a "Welcome" tab. Folks who have already "liked" my page can access this page too and you all should because of the goodness contained within. There are 3 sections to the "Welcome" tab: The first section is a gateway to all 9 photo albums (6 new albums added!). All albums contain samples of my work in various genres of Photography to give you all a good idea of what all I shoot. The 2nd section is VERY cool. It's called "Look Behind the Lens" and is an in depth insider pass to every aspect of my work. This tab includes multiple features including behind the scenes videos, links to interviews, specific gallery links, sneak peaks to new projects/features that are coming soon, and much more. This tab will be periodically updated with brand new features, so it will certainly be fresh and entertaining to visit on a regular basis. Also, a commenting section at the bottom is available for you all to leave feedback regarding the content on this page, so feel free to participate as I would love to hear your thoughts! The 3rd section in the "Welcome" tab is titled "model profile" and is an interactive slideshow, showing sets of a model who I have worked with. This too will be periodically updated, so make sure you check back every once in awhile for that too.
In an attempt to make it more convenient for you to stay in touch with me, I've integrated both my creative journal blog and my twitter page directly into my Facebook page as tabs. I've also created a tab titled "Network", which has links to every social outlet I am a member of. This enables you to get connected with me whether you're on Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Vimeo, Blogger, or visiting my official website. Basically, pick your poison and I'll be there with some fun stuff for ya! Last, but not least, there are "share" buttons for all of these new additions, which I hope you guys use to help spread the word about me and my work! If you happen to really like something, you can post it on your wall or tell your friends to come check it out.
Well I think I've babbled on long enough. Go check it out and please leave comments/criticisms - the more feedback I have, the better experience I can strive to make.
MY FACEBOOK PHOTOGARPHY PAGE: http://www.facebook.com/russellperkinsphotography#!/pages/Russell-Perkins-Photography/108612719172229
Thursday, October 21, 2010
My work is published in the 10th Anniversary Issue of Performance Sound & Auto Mag!
What's up, guys! Hope your Oktoberfest (yes, I spelled it zee German way) is going zestfully well. While you are all contemplating your Halloween costumes, I'm happy to announce that my work of Marie Luciano has been published in the 10th Anniversary Issue of Performance Sound & Auto Magazine! Special thanks to Randi Bentia over at PASMAG for his interest in wanting to use it on such a special occasion for their company. In other news, keep a sharp eye out for an announcement regarding the released update of my Facebook Photography page...I've been hard at work with my web master in doing a major overhaul to the site to give all of you more of an interactive experience on what the "Russell Perkins photography experience" is all about! At the current rate of implementation, the update could be completed in just a couple of weeks (crossing fingers and toes). I'll be sure to let you guys know when it's up and running in all of it's glory, but until then, enjoy my shot of Marie in PASMAG below:
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Interviewed in iCandy Magazine!
Salutations, my fellow peeps! Well summer is officially over and fall has been ushered in. It's reaching the end of September already as I type this - the year has really gone by in a blip. Last week was an exciting week for me as I had the opportunity to do a photo shoot with Australian super model Sophie Turner! Despite minor setbacks of MUA & Hairstylist issues, we managed to create some exceptional imagery, which I will be posting samples of just as soon as I finish editing them. In other news, I was interviewed regarding my Photography career in i-Candy Magazine, which I am excited to share with all of you. You can read it here:
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Britney Spears Before/After
I had posted this on my Photography Facebook page awhile back and thought it'd be good to repost it here for the folks who missed it. It's a real world example of before/after shots of Britney Spears, who was gracious enough to allow these samples to be viewed by the public:
Yet another example of an idealized final "product" of the commercial industry that everyone strives so hard to be like.
Monday, August 2, 2010
For all you AT-AT lovers out there...
A colleague forwarded me this video and I had to post it for you all to check out. Some folks have pet dogs while others have pet cats.....but what about the family pet AT-AT Walker from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back? Major kudos go out to Patrick Boivin, the creator of this video:
He was also kind enough to post a behind the scenes video, which is equally as cool:
Patrick has some equally cool other works up, which you should check out on his youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/PatrickBoivin